Preserve Earth's biodiversity.
Protect the heart and lungs of our planet.

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Apple Pay

With every dollar,
you can help preserve and protect
10 square meters of Amazon Rainforest

Be the change, be earthwin.

Preserve Earth's biodiversity. Protect the heart and lungs of our planet.

With every dollar,
you can help preserve and protect
10 square meters of Amazon Rainforest.

Make the easiest donation through

Apple Pay

Be the change, be earthwin.

We support Indigenous to preserve Earth's most precious and biodiverse rainforests

$1 = 100 sq/ft of land protected

The estimated carbon footprint, per capita, in the U.S. is 16.6 metric tons per person, per year.

$270.00 or $22.50 / month will offset the average person's lifetime carbon footprint.


  • The Amazon represents over 60% of the Earth's remaining rainforests 
  • The Amazon is home to 82% of the world's biodiversity and plays a vital role in maintaining the Earth's ecological balance.
  • The Amazon also provides 25% of our fresh waters, 10% of our oxygen and affects rain patterns around the world. 
  • It sequesters a significant amount of carbon dioxide, mitigating the impacts of climate change.
  • Its biodiversity, carbon storage, climate regulation, and indigenous communities make it a global treasure.
  • Rainforests are our most powerful ally in mitigating climate change. Rainforest defense is climate defense.
  • 150+ acres are lost every minute. Let that sink in for one minute…
  • It is estimated that 150 species go extinct daily in the Amazon
  • Deforestation due to human encroachment and the slash and burn development poses a severe threat
  • An estimated 20%-22% of the rainforest has been deforested bringing it dangerously close to its tipping point
  • According to NOAA, new results from a nine-year research project find that upon reaching just 3%–5% more deforestation, it will undergo a desertification process that will flip it into a non-forest degraded savannah
  • Tuning it from a carbon storage into a carbon production, farthing our climate mitigation problems.
  • Indigenous communities have proven to be the best stewards of our biodiversity, safeguarding 82% of global biodiversity with just 5% of the population.
  • Empowering their voices and preserving their cultural heritage unlocks invaluable traditional knowledge and sustainable solutions.
  • By supporting Indigenous communities, we tap into their conservation insights and protect their rights and well-being.

Our strategy is impactful and urgent

Earthwin’s mission is to educateand expand awareness of mindful living for global well-being.