What are Biodiversity Credits?
Biodiversity credits are similar to carbon credits, that fund the direct conservation of vital ecosystems. Each credit you purchase represents one hectare of primary forest conserved in biodiversity hotspots for one month. These credits are not just symbolic; they are backed by measurable, impactful actions on the ground, including protection, restoration, and monitoring of endangered habitats.
Support Conservation with Aluna Impact Market
At Aluna, every choice is a commitment to the preservation of Earth's most valuable biodiversity hotspots.
Aluna represents a deep awareness of our responsibility to protect the natural world. Aluna Impact Market offers an opportunity for individuals to make conscious choices with impactful contributions to biodiversity preservation through Biodiversity Credits.

Working with Indigenous groups to preserve Earth's most precious and biodiverse rainforests
Our model stands apart by prioritizing the communities most affected and most active in conservation efforts. Indigenous groups make up just 6% of the global population, guard 80% of our remaining biodiversity, conserve 31% of the planet’s total land mass and yet receive less than 2% of climate financing.
By eliminating unnecessary intermediaries, we ensure that resources go directly to those working tirelessly to protect these precious ecosystems. 100% of your donations on this page, and 50% of profits from your Aluna purchases go directly to those on the ground working tirelessly to save our planet’s last remaining biodiversity hotspots.
These efforts help preserve vital ecosystems for future generations, supporting the conservation of Earth's most endangered species.

Why Jaguars?
Jaguars play a critical role in Aluna’s conservation strategy as they are a primary indicator species. Their presence signals a thriving, balanced ecosystem. As apex predators, jaguars regulate the populations of prey species, which maintains the delicate ecological balance necessary for plant and animal diversity. Healthy jaguar populations reveal healthy forests, where flora and fauna co-exist in resilience and harmony. These forests provide vital ecosystem services like carbon storage and water purification, essential for combating climate change and supporting biodiversity.
In Indigenous cultures, particularly in the Amazon, jaguars are not only ecological symbols but spiritual guardians. They are seen as protectors, guiding participants in shamanic ceremonies through transformation and self-discovery. For the Shipibo, Matsés, and other Indigenous communities, the jaguar represents strength, courage, and ancestral wisdom, connecting humans with the spirit of the jungle. This cultural reverence enriches our mission, aligning both ecological and spiritual dimensions in the fight for preservation.
- The Amazon represents over 60% of the Earth's remaining rainforests
- The Amazon is home to 82% of the world's biodiversity and plays a vital role in maintaining the Earth's ecological balance.
- The Amazon also provides 25% of our fresh waters, 10% of our oxygen and affects rain patterns around the world.
- It sequesters a significant amount of carbon dioxide, mitigating the impacts of climate change.
- Its biodiversity, carbon storage, climate regulation, and indigenous communities make it a global treasure.
- Rainforests are our most powerful ally in mitigating climate change. Rainforest defense is climate defense.
- 150+ acres are lost every minute. Let that sink in for one minute…
- It is estimated that 150 species go extinct daily in the Amazon
- Deforestation due to human encroachment and the slash and burn development poses a severe threat
- An estimated 20%-22% of the rainforest has been deforested bringing it dangerously close to its tipping point
- According to NOAA, new results from a nine-year research project find that upon reaching just 3%–5% more deforestation, it will undergo a desertification process that will flip it into a non-forest degraded savannah.
- Tuning it from a carbon storage into a carbon production, farthing our climate mitigation problems.
- Indigenous communities have proven to be the best stewards of our biodiversity, safeguarding 82% of global biodiversity with just 5% of the population.
- Empowering their voices and preserving their cultural heritage unlocks invaluable traditional knowledge and sustainable solutions.
- By supporting Indigenous communities, we tap into their conservation insights and protect their rights and well-being.